Friday, June 6, 2008

It's Been Some Time

Sorry I havn't updated in forever. My life has been boring. I decided to post some pictures of where I go to school and live for 9 months out of the year. Also, I'll be going to Florida for a few days which will be relaxing. I don't leave for about another week. I'll blog before then. It is going to be 95 and humid today. I am already sweating thinking about it. Speaking of sweating, I've been working out like crazy. I'm trying to get in better shape so I can start picking up people, haha. And because I want to.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I took a 2-hour walk today. It was nice. I took a few pictures (the top 3) while I was venturing out. The other one was on my drive home from work. I hope to get a new camera so I can take more pictures. I also plan on going to London for the month of January for a class. This would be amazing.